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tv   [untitled]    November 24, 2012 1:00am-1:30am EST

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egypt's riots tear gas at romney grounds and great islamic present drama morsi has granted himself with a new. israel and hamas observe a shaky cease fire despite trading accusations of late for several players and a deadly what if. the trigger were that you just slap in the air as leaders of the only partially want to base an. international news and comment live from moscow this is an see with me you nashbar thanks for joining us egypt's security forces have fired tear gas at angry
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protesters running against the islamic president mohamed morsi a new decree granting him sweeping powers has spawned demos across the country they opposition has started a sit in protests in the higher square pledging to fight what it calls morse's pollen grab and cairo based journalist truth has the details are. what i really think is quite harsh tactics used by the police to stop protests in tahrir square you see a lot of tear gas on protesters throwing rocks down on protesters from the top of buildings and we've also seen molotov being thrown back and forth at the same time we've had demonstrations at the presidential palace in support of the president and also across the country we've seen the president and anti president protesters clashing in from to move in brother headquarters so there's been quite a lot happening is actually in a strange way united the opposition forces you've been quite divided recently.
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there was mass uproar when the president announced his constitutional declaration which essentially awarded him powers over the judiciary it also said that his decree and his that gratian is would be an appealable and this is something that's led commentators to call him the new pharaoh and to call the document in essence a coup so what we're seeing here is massive criticism of the president and actually quite a lot of fear but he's really becoming a new tactic a dictator because he actually has right now more power as the most ever did the president does have a very large support base here we see hails from the muslim brotherhood which is a very organized organization and very able to get the protesters all their members to the streets which is why we saw thousands in front of the presidential office in support of the president to really whether the oppositional forces can convince the people that that the president morsi is doing is wrong is to be seen. president morsi has defenders the new decree granting him substantial powers and he
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told his supporters who was leading egypt on a path to freedom and democracy but journalist that fast he believes military rule in egypt has simply been replaced by another kind of dictatorship. what have mohammad morsi done mobarak in the height of his power could not even dream of achieving morsi is part of the muslim brotherhood and islam or fascist group they have control over their members and their supporters it is very simple and a country with more than forty five percent of its population are illiterate to control them in the name of religion gyptian is are now seeing clearly they have replaced the military fascist style regime of hosni mubarak into the religious fascist regime of mohamed morsi and the muslim brotherhood egyptians have undertaken a revolution back in january twentieth levon calling for three simple things bread
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freedom and social justice neither of these three. calls demands that they have called for and in their revolution have been achieved the state of the egyptian arcana me is in shambles this state of freedoms it's been marginalized people wanted to establish a democracy they wanted to establish solid at the here and to human rights they wanted to have social justice applied and not to turn it from the military to the religious fascism. strong was that from journalist ahmed a five he who was talking to us from new. and fragile ceasefire between hamas and israel remains intact and has now entered its third day that's despite accusations from both sides that have been violations of the truce with several riots and shootings near the border why palestinian was killed and one thousand nine hundred eighty was injured when israeli soldiers opened fire at palestinians who entered
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a no go zone of the border the israeli defense forces that are around three hundred people from. a security fence at different points on friday and warning shots had to be fine filmmaker and activist harry fear was witnessed there france and continues working in gaza believe that palestinians. could. under the cease fire most gazans see that the no go military buffer zone which israel had put imposed on palestinian terror john the palestinian side of the border had been erased and that the farmers in the area whose land had been taken away they would not be able to farm that groups of palestinians went to what they thought was now again that palestinian territory one palestinian has been killed in that incident in the cease fire as a particular lie referring to this that over these coming hours and days there will be more detail different to this notion of the lifting of this siege blockade on the gaza strip but i think people here in gaza according to my own reading
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a very very skeptical about that actually being realized to one hundred percent extent that the blockade would totally be lifted and there have been two milestone easing of the blockade since it was first imposed but they have been tiny in relative terms i don't think people are expecting this cease fire to manifest in a proper proper and real lifting of the blockade of the gaza strip we've had so many injured over a thousand we've had over one hundred sixty palestinians killed and remember that more is still being killed because. they're dying of the injuries that they. inflicted on them during the seven day war so the body count is still rising and the ministry of health here in gaza and the world health organization still have not given us the latest figures of how many palestinians were killed and so the scars are very much on the ground there on the mind and there on the bodies of some palestinians. so paul show about half of all israelis think that government should
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have pushed forward and said that killed over one hundred sixty palestinians while hamas rocket attacks killed six israelis and my colleague kevin owen earlier talk to alex spokesman from the prime minister's office who now says israel's only goal is peace. definitely there are many people in israel that think the prime minister should. get more in or get more of this operation go in ground operation because these people don't believe but hamas will really stop firing rockets and fortunately unfortunately people in israel cannot believe that the international community can. pressure in for is this ceasefire and that's why people are so kind of frustrated the prime minister started that peroration but again the fact the prime minister's peroration proved that we don't want to invade we don't want we just want stability and peace that sounds great on paper but the underlying
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tensions have gone away of the we could talk about this for a long time. and i'd like to ask you about that say while you're on the line and interested party course in all this looking on some officials there said that israel is showing weakness by letting a mass of the hook how concerned are you with reaction well first of all i don't think israel was weak israel was the cause is needed to stop the rockets just let us live in peace we will not use force village because even though with the surgical attacks what we've heard the word described a lot over the last couple of days there were dozens of civilians in gaza killed including thirty seven children will anyone in your government or military be held accountable for those deaths do you think differently and we really really sorry for these deaths and that's good what we want we want to target in heard only those who fire rockets and. spokes not old thing i mean netanyahu self is coming out talks between the e.u. leaders clumps in brussels that signals reached on
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a train and your advantage as we call him and his boss told of much to spend on coming. british live demo minister lynn featherstone said that since women have babies it allows men to pass them up on the letter to power such a children are set back for women who want to be successful and equal to men so they want to give men the option of taking maternity leave or would that be paternity leave i don't know i kind of see the logic of her view but my question is featherstone is why exactly is success in the corporate world the primary goal of life for men and women as a feminist i would think you understand that wanting to fight your way up the ladder to buy a big car to replace your shortcomings is a very male way of judging success are women who choose to have families failures
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or at least unsuccessful in your book even as a man i know that my pocket is really empty after having the first of hopefully many kids but i don't see our child as a financial setback keeping me from buying an x. box guess what success is relative to the goal and maybe a corporate boardroom vision of success isn't for everyone women who have kids are failures in my opinion but then again that's just my opinion. mission. critique ations free storage free. range free. three stooges free. download free broncos video. for your media projects and free media and on to r.t. dot com you.
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hid in sorrow. and hope for escape. their early surviving longing for a godsend. they live in a search for gold. why doesn't it bring them wealth.
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right and if you knew nearly from one stupid. dot com. you're watching aussie live from moscow it's good to have you with us you need as we'll have been battling over their common budget in brussels for two days have failed to reach any decision we can members wanted to uphold subsidies and support programs while large contributors to e.u. is called for is tightening in line with us territory at home a new round of cash fights will not have to take place next year as fast reports.
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no deal for the budget talks says he said all cynically ending in collapse is going to be pretty hard to put a positive spin on this nonetheless of course we're seeing the european leaders trying now i've got the statement in front of me at the moment from the european council and they're saying the talks are going to continue they're going to have to hammer out some kind of agreement by next year a lot of focus now is going to be or what exactly went wrong and of course what is going to happen next what we really saw happening over the past two days and that this sort of crux of the failure was that you saw this widening divide between the big donor countries you have britain you had germany you have the netherlands you had denmark they were very much pushing for these big cuts in the e.u. budget is going to take us from twenty fourteen to twenty twenty and you saw on the other side of that divide countries like france and italy now what went wrong is the deal that was put on the table by the president of the european council the
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poor these countries including britain saying look that's simply not good enough and so alternately as we said they were able to overcome that and say this whole given this debate going to drag on internet this is very much a story of divided europe there were a number of countries that stood alongside britain in calling for those cuts david cameron very much would have wanted to give the message to people watching back home you know i'm on your side as he said i'll be fighting for the very best deal for the british taxpayer now what he said is look we didn't get a deal but we didn't get an unacceptable daylight the prime minister is going to be returning to britain facing a country that never at any point in its history has really felt like its membership in the european union itself is so under question really the talks of britain having an in or out referendum in the european union seeming more like a question of not if that will happen but when as we've been finding out. and while
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you're a struggles to find a common way forward some regions are looking for ways to go it alone is punish catalonia people are said to go to the polls to elect a regional government which could see a referendum on its independence artes and reform has the details for. there's a wind of separatism blowing through europe at the moment and it's reached the north eastern shores of spain catalonia is the latest region to officially our spare independence is something people here have long felt in their hearts but now they're feeling it in their pockets. i think it's a good idea to be in the band them from. a country. which is. really really bad situation it's a bargain for. it's a bargain for the cool good. cats and i'm flags can be seen hanging from balconies through barcelona reflecting
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a growing desire for home rule under drive to break away from the central government in madrid this weekend's local election is being fought on that issue alone catalan president. has made it the centerpiece of his campaign this convergence union party vying to hold an independent referendum if they win and say a free catalonia would be a cure all for the region's economic problems that have seen unemployment top twenty five percent the economy conduced in europe in the south of europe has been a catalyzer of. this movement we can see the signs of people in cologne or believe that with our own resources human capital economic resources we could be better off if not being in the spanish estate and this is a reality that a lot of economic research has show many cattle and find it a persuasive argument it's one of spain's wealthiest regions producing
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a fifth of the country's economic output but it pays around sixteen billion euros a year more in taxes than it gets back in madrid which has in turn insisted public services into austerity cuts. this is not fair i mean we are the ones who. our. doing our best in the mccormick reasons we cannot afford the weight of this measure and the central government that for us is the one who is spending the most and not in the last september barcelona witnessed one of the largest separatist rallies here since the nineteen seventies over one and a half million catalans took to the streets to call for independence but the path to becoming a new european state is far from smooth the proposed referendum is against the spanish constitution what's more withdrawing from spain could also force this region to drop out of the european union those against separatism believe it could do more harm than good. separatism for going alone you know would be an economic
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disaster multi-national companies located in brazil for access to the spanish work it being in the e.u. that will be lost which more even of separatism does not happen just talking about it creates uncertainty and that is the last thing the economy needs during this current crisis. with poll suggesting aftermaths will win reelection barcelona and madrid look set for a few showdown the president of the spanish military association colonel leopoldo sanchez has even suggested it might lead to another civil war political parties dismiss that as extreme rhetoric but remaining cattle and you hope this weekend will mark the first step towards the break up of space. andrew farmer r.t. catalonia. threatens to spread throughout the world and it's not political strife this time of a serious respiratory virus claims wise and car time in saudi arabia raising fares
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the. demick report that i. love the year is actually two thousand and six for christians around the world that's according to the pope himself. miscalculation by several years of the christ and the question of how and what is the way to. we'll see what insight. that's an excuse me let's now take a look at some other stories making the news this hour police in thailand have used tear gas at the first major anti-government protest against prime minister yingluck shinawatra a sixteen month old government around ten thousand poured into the streets and tried to break through a road block to get to the rally site and they accuse the pm of anti monarchy stance and corruption. they were in government troops are struggling to maintain control of key neighborhoods south of damascus as their battle with opposition fighters rages on the rebel forces which reportedly include members of al qaida have also been facing kurdish militants near the turkish border syrian
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government forces was true from the country's north east in the summer and were quickly replaced by the kurdish contingent affiliated with togas kurdistan workers party. a large blast in a park restaurant in china's northern province has killed at least fourteen people and injured dozens the explosion rocks the two story building triggering a blaze and damaged nearby shops six people were killed at the scene there reza died of their injuries and hospital and investigation to determine the exact cause of the explosion is now under way. in the u.k. already and the deep floodwaters are preparing for worse with forecasters are warning of dangerous rains and winds over the weekend the weather's already claimed the life for one man after his car was trapped in rising waters under a bridge downpours bore disruption to hundreds of houses cut power and cause transport chaos and made more than one hundred people flee to safety.
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the turkey dinners had barely been digested this week before most americans turned their attention from thanksgiving to buying black friday has become one of the country's biggest shopping days of the year and all cheese in new york resident has been to see what people actually think of the retailing histeria. well. the holidays have arrived in the united states but instead of talking about family and religion americans seem only to be talking about shopping why is that this week let's talk about that do you think that americans are aware of the irony of having a crazy frenzied shopping day the day after we give thanks for what we already have best day of the year which one thanksgiving or black friday the day after black friday exactly you love it yeah it's a great time of year to go shopping and trample people. the world's ending anyway twenty twelve as that calendar is all going to end so we don't have to worry about
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fixing our consumerism we don't have to worry about shopping nothing do you think it's an american thing or do you think it's a worldwide thing. i think americans are probably worse that it do you think americans are a little too obsessed with shopping for the holidays no i think it's great it's wonderful fun it's great to get out but it's spending money and stuff you don't necessarily me that's how the holidays are about what's makes the economy. is that the most important thing you know we're having from this great are people obsessed with shopping where you're from well yes because we know the whole reason why we come here so we can show so we are obsessed and we count wife it's mara what does it say about us as a society as humanity that we're so obsessed with consumerism and i think it's very pretty sad why do you think americans are so crazy about shopping during the holidays. no idea media you guys. tell everyone to buy
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spectacular and so they do i haven't seen one commercial for jesus i haven't seen one commercial for volunteers and i haven't seen one commercial about the spirit at all but i've seen plenty for shopping why is that. cereal the material aspect of society there they push it and we fall into that trap so is it. arafat's fault for falling into the trap it's a combined effort of mind nine you met humanistic. with an economy in the tank a climate in shift and a world at war it might behoove us start to focus less on consuming and more on what's really important with the them. and in a few minutes whole debacle of breakings where. in
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japan the average height for men is one hundred eighty two centimeters on ten centimeters shorter because of that some employers refused to hire me one of them even told me directly that i was too short to deal with the client's computers already spent three months in this hospital and plans to stay for another four to add the coveted seven santa majors to his stature invented by the famed soviet orthopedic because we will result in the nineteen fifties these frames were initially used to treat fractures in deformities by cutting bones and slowly pulling them up for their four stimulating tissue regeneration it was not of was able to receive arms and legs and people who thought they were crippled for life be sent to the other patients shattered bones and in many cases their shattered lives were in the go when professing result of design his first frame using bicycle parts
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sixty years later his invention is increasingly being used to help people what eager to fracture their legs to become a few centimeters taller than the ultimate goal is still the same fixing somebody is live both literally and figuratively a bogus third of patients admitted to be was out of center nowadays seeking surgery focus medical reasons most of them amen. and and most are not what you would call vertically challenged professor novick of who operated on many of them says it usually comes down to man's pride some of the first patient to turn to us with a leg length i mean request to meet is fifteen centimeters to be still want to surgery because it's panos tool than him we like to say that we need to break their legs in order to fix their head maybe nothing wrong with them from an orthopedic point of view but there is something psychological that prevents them from living their lives fully being happy and we fix it like lengthening surgeries a band in many countries and even the out there pretty expensive in russia the
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entire course costs eleven thousand dollars about one tenth of the similar package in the united states financial considerations for one of the reasons that brought this washington state native to western siberia his main motive for the surgery had to do with how he fared in the others in america advertise his one seventy five i was one sixty seven or one sixty a console one eight centimeters would have brought me right to every piece i just wanted to be average for women height isn't so important you know i think girl can be short and it's not a big deal i think a guy is like expected to be taller just before the operation most this matter a russian girl who found he's a regional hide quite endearing yet he still want to have had the surgery adding seven more centimeters to he self-confidence she told me the whole time you're crazy you're normal you're perfect. so now or so they call you so what
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a compliment for somebody who's used to falling short of his own expectations. here is mitt romney trying to figure out the name of that thing that we americans call a donor. concludes the longest while this campaign in our history colors eleven world that need changing dramatically before our eyes that's something we're going to tell you next time with twists and turns in the hallmarks of this to something like you know what i think we're about to do because you never seen anything like this and so.
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what i'm abby martin now if you watch my show on wednesday and you saw my response to an article written on alger minor dot com just yesterday another article was written by the same lacan out of your car and titled russia today continues its anti israel propaganda going even further than arab t.v. the article states that my comments range from wild exaggerations to outright falsehoods and instead of continuing with this he said she said battle of words let's not forget that this website parent company is invested in the israeli government and as i mentioned before the spokesperson for the israeli prime minister wrote r.t.l. letter admonishing the coverage of this network and provided during the conflict sort of cleared up i went straight to the source stay tuned to hear the exclusive interview i just did with alex spokesperson for the israeli prime minister netanyahu next. look like the world
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to do their job or she's going to be like i'm trying. something. after a bus bombing left fifteen wounded in tel aviv israel on wednesday a fragile cease fire remains intact between the israeli military and armed groups in the gaza strip all of this following one of the most violent conflicts seen in the region and nearly four years so how solid is the ceasefire and has israel's aggressive response to rockets fired from gaza and justifiable well earlier i got the chance to speak to alex the spokes person of israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu now i apologize in advance for the cutaways but we had to compensate for a long delays in the satellite feed i first asked alex if we can expect another act of aggression in four years since these escalation seemed to happen around the time of israel's elections here's his response. really depends on the power.


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